Palapa is:- The next generation of PeSankita Indonesia (PS).- Designed as a secure mobile application platform for Society 5.0- Developed by XecureIT, the leading registered Indonesian cyber defense company.- Free open source software.Features:- Unlimited number of group membership.- Send document/audio/video/image up to 100 MB.- Secure data at rest with encrypted database in the device and backup file.- Secure end-to-end encryption implementation for all videos/voice calls, voice messages, and private/group chat, so unauthorized party, including Palapa infrastructure system administrators CAN NOT read the contents.- Encrypted Personal Notes.- Automatic screenshot notification in the conversation if one of user take screenshot.- Secure group management with 3 membership levels (owner/creator, admins, members).- Secure end-to-end key exchange process, so server HAS NO access to the secret key.- Strong encryption algorithms ECC Curve25519, AES-256, and HMAC-SHA-256.You can download desktop version in https://xecure.worldBusiness Features:- As secure platform for micro applications (native, satellite, web view).- White label option for specific business and higher level security needs.- Dedicated server options for close digital ecosystem environment.- Can be integrated with Xecure Data Exchange Ecosystem for Open.Notes:- All Palapa security features only impact to micro native applications.- Some features of Palapa Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and MacOS may be different due to various concerns including different operating system architectures.- Palapa uses Signal as its core because Signal is an open source and has good security foundation.- For some phones, such as Samsung Note 9/10, turn off the background is a process for saving battery. Please ensure that Palapa is not included in the list that is turned off by the function.DISCLAIMERS:- Users are PROHIBITED from using Palapa for any act that may violate the law, misleading information, or spreading hatred.- User is FULLY RESPONSIBLE for using the Palapa’s services.- The developer DOES NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY misappropriation and or ANY damage that may result from using Palapa.- The developer has the RIGHT to stop the Palapa’s service(s) and delete Palapa’s user account.- The developer accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for any accusation, suspicion, or lawsuit from users as a result of or relating to their use of the Palapa’s service(s).